To level up a Zeedle 🌱, simply click on it in the Magic Garden 🪴. On the right side under "Overview" 📊, you'll see all the values and properties of your Zeedle - and right at the top is the level!

Click on the green arrow 🟩 to open the level-up menu. Each level-up costs a certain amount of Bloomz 💐.

Use the ➕ plus and ➖ minus buttons to select how many levels you want to jump up - the corresponding Bloomz costs are displayed at the bottom within the button 💸.

When you're ready, simply click on the green button - and tada 🎉 - your Zeedle has grown by the corresponding levels 🌿!

But that's not all - with each level-up, you can also assign a stat point. We'll see how that works in the next video 🎥!