One of the coolest abilities of Zeedles 🌱 is to collect valuable weather resources ☀️🌦️ based on the real live weather of the real world 🌍!

To plant your Zeedle, click on the world map symbol 🗺️ and select one of the available planting locations. As said: each location experiences the actual live weather of our real world 🌈!

So, choose the Zeedle that best matches the desired location with its affinity! 📍

The stronger the friendship with your Zeedle, the longer you can plant it in one go. 🔄

One last click and voila - your Zeedle is planted! 🌿

Once the planting time has expired, you can come back, unplant your Zeedle and collect the valuable weather resources! 🌧️🌪️

But wait - something quite wondrous is happening! While planting, your Zeedle might find a magical Gemz 💎 containing breathtaking knowledge 🧠 about our world, nature, or the region you just planted in. When you internalize this knowledge, you can unlock enchanted Charmz ✨ that additionally enhance your Zeedles! More on this later.

By the way: The available planting locations change at regular intervals. 🗺 So check back from time to time to make sure you don't miss a new location! 👀

If you want to unplant your Zeedle earlier, for example, because you want to use it for defense in another location, you can also do that for a small Bloomz fee 💐.

Wait, what? Defense? 🛡️ Alright, let's take a closer look at that in the following video 🎥…