All 5 jurors invest!

Zeedz lands the biggest TV deal in history.

Lion Investors Tilmann Schulz, Dagmar Wöhrl, Carsten Maschmeyer, Ralf Dümmel and Nils Glagau, together with Zeedz Co-Founder Sven Junglas

And us? A brief phone consultation, back to the stage, and: "YES, let's do it!" 🤝🎉

Missed it? Watch the full episode here and the deal video here.

And the best part: The deal went through exactly as discussed after the show! All 5 are officially on board with Zeedz! ✍️📄✅

This has never happened before in the long history of the show!

We are incredibly happy and grateful for everything unfolding right now.

All 5 jurors have invested in Zeedz! 🦁🌱🚀

Monday, Oct 13th, VOX, 8:15 pm. "The Lions' Den" (Germany's Shark Tank) season finale.

We took the stage with Zeedz (👀), presenting our mobile game aimed at making a difference in the fight against climate change! 🌎💪

And then, something incredible happened: All five Lions joined forces and offered us a deal. ALL FIVE! 🤯

A special Zeedle Pack to celebrate

Bursting with Lion-Power! 💪 Available for a limited time only. ⏱

Zeedle Evo 1 👾 DHDL SPECIAL PACK 💎
Sale Price:$7.99 Original Price:$9.99

“Eine ganz besondere Gründer-Geschichte”

„Standing Ovation von den Löwen”

“Ein historisch einmaliger Deal”

“Farbenfrohe Natur und Ohrwurm-Potenzial”

“Deutsches Handyspiel räumt bei DHDL ab”

“Ein historischer Moment der Show”

“Sensations-Deal mit fünf Investoren!”

“Alle wollten Teil sein von Zeedz”

“Ein DHDL-Rekord”

“Mit Spielspaß im Kampf gegen Klimawandel”

Play now!

It’s free 🥰